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The Phoenix Primary School & Nursery

The Phoenix Primary School & Nursery





What is the vision for Art & Design at The Phoenix Primary School and Nursery?


At the Phoenix Primary School and Nursery, we value Art and Design as an important part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum. Art and Design provides the children with the opportunity to express their individual interests, thought and ideas. At our school, we want our children to love art, craft and design! We want them to have no limits to their ambitions. Indeed, some may eventually wish to pursue careers as illustrators, graphic designers, fashion designers, architects or printmakers.

As pupils progress, they should gain a deeper understanding of how Art and Design reflects and shapes the history of our culture and those of other societies around the world. In our school, children learn that art can tell a story and spread an important message. By learning to interrogate art, children can identify its meaning and interpret a piece of art work in their own unique way. Interpreting art allows the children to explore the issue of climate change. The children are exposed to works of art that convey concern and promote action over climate change. Children are given an opportunity to produce art of a similar nature. For example, through junk modelling and creating art in the natural environment. In addition, through exploring the work of artists, children develop the core values of respect and empathy.

We want our children to use the local area as inspiration, to learn from other cultures and to respect diversity. We want to equip our children with not only the minimum statutory requirements of the Art and Design National Curriculum but to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.


How is this vision for Art & Design to be achieved?


Throughout their time at the Phoenix Primary School and Nursery, the children are given a range of opportunities to explore a wide variety of materials and techniques. They develop their skills and thinking as young artists, using the ‘Kapow Primary’ scheme which forms the basis of our Art and Design curriculum.

Each term focuses on a different Art and Design skill which covers:

  1. Drawing 
  2. Sculpture 
  3. Painting 
  4. Printing 
  5. Collage 
  6. Textiles 

The curriculum is progressive and so allows the children to build on skills, knowledge and techniques, year on year. Various media types are explored within each unit to give the widest possible range of experiences to all children. The materials and media used are revisited each year to ensure the progression of skills is properly embedded.

  • Each child has a sketchbook and an Art book. We give the child ownership of their sketchbook in order to foster their sense of creativity. Children use their sketchbooks to make initial sketches, develop skills, record ideas and develop opinions.
  • Cross-curricular links are promoted to allow all children to deepen their understanding across the curriculum, including the use of technology, and artworks from year group specific historical, geographical and scientific contexts.
  • Opportunities to reflect and develop, including through the use of sketchbooks, and chances for self and peer-assessment are planned into each unit of study in KS1 and KS2.
  • Children learn about the lives and work of key artists from a wide variety of different cultures
  • Children are shown how art can be used to challenge and provoke discussion, but always in an atmosphere of understanding and mutual respect.
  • Children have opportunities to visit and be encouraged to visit places where key works of art are displayed and celebrated.
  • Children also have the opportunity to display their own art on a regular basis.


How does the school know if the Art curriculum has been effective?


 The impact of this curriculum design will lead to outstanding progress over time across key stages relative to a child’s individual starting point and their progression of skills. Children will therefore be expected to leave The Phoenix Primary School and Nursery, reaching at least age-related expectations for Art and Design. Our Art and Design curriculum will also have pupils enthusiastic about art, evidenced in what they say and in their final pieces and sketchbooks. This will mean that all our pupils will be well prepared to excel at art and design in secondary school, and for some to even eventually consider careers where artistic skills are key.  

We ensure that children who are achieving well, as well as those who need additional support, are identified and adaptive teaching is in place to personalise learning.

Achievements are celebrated in classrooms via walking-galleries and corridor displays and  also by developing opportunities to display in local community galleries.



 At the Phoenix Primary School and Nursery, we are able to measure the progress children have made in Art and Design by:

  • Determining the extent to which objectives are met within each lesson, and at the end of each unit.
  • Images detailing children’s practical work
  • Interviewing the pupils about their learning (pupil voice).

Art and Design Progression MapArt and Design Progression Map