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The Phoenix Primary School & Nursery

The Phoenix Primary School & Nursery

Phoenix Quest

Every child is given a Phoenix Quest book, which they keep in school.  The children earn a sticker for each Quest they complete.  It is a book to celebrate personal achievements.  The children will be able to take their Quest books with them when they leave Year 6.

The Phoenix Quest encompasses our school values, as children can: aspire to meet their Quests; enjoy celebrating their achievements; build resilience when facing challenges; and be respectful towards their peers when aiming for and completing their Quests. 

There are a range of Quests for the children to complete, which the children decided through their Junior Governing Body.  The Quests include: earning a certificate in assembly; representing our school in an event; and holding or petting an animal. 

We cannot wait to hear about all their personal achievements.